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IWC Replica a copy of the concept of the idea, more than two years ago, when Ernst Benz designer and general manager of the meeting with Mr. Leonid Benz in Basel khankin. During the meeting, Mr. Benz proposed by Mr. khankin with the original dive table prototype from the last century 80’s. The initial inspiration for this new model.

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Design and manufacture of chronodiver in Switzerland will be introduced to the Mercedes Benz signature 47mm size and it will provide a black or white dial with the original hand Mercedes instrument panel meter. Arabia super luminova digital high definition frames in polished steel. The low cost of the International Whaling Commission has a rotating table circle marked as a 60 minute measurement of a dive and the length of the first 15 minutes of the scale, so that the divers to measure their blood more easily. Cheap IWC-Swiss Replica will provide a rubber band, the company hand sewing crocodile leather strap or stainless steel bracelet, a separate series of numbers. Chronodiver of the retail price of $5200 for the rubber strap, $5500 and $5600 crocodile leather strap and stainless steel bracelet.

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Chronodiver launched khankin and pay attention to cooperation, a nonprofit organization to provide mobility opportunities and challenges of young people from across the United States became a certified scuba diver in the Cayman Islands part, b.w.i. IWC Replica Watches the income from the sale of each watch will be donated to the organization sponsored mobility challenges young people to become scuba certified.